Yes, dear friends, Know what you do not know: Information Literacy for PhD students has been published. Therefore, let’s share a few laughs, a coffee and an hour, to talk about information literacy for citizens, citizenship, and the creation of research.
The gig is FREE and ONLINE. Here are the details
Date: Monday, May 1, 2023 (for our friends in different time zones, this may be April 30, 2023)
Time: 11am Adelaide / Darwin time / 9:30am Perth (WA) time / 11:30am Melbourne / 1:30pm Auckland
5:30am Dubai / 10:30am Dili / 9:30am Hong Kong / 3:30am Cape Town
9:30pm New York (April 30) / 2:30am London (April 30) / 6:30pm Vancouver (April 30) / 9:30pm Santiago (April 30)
To check out your time zone – here is a useful link: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81342931445?pwd=c0ZEazVVb1BjUzU5M3ZNZERnYjRKQT09
Passcode: 637322
Our wonderful hosts are Dr Leanne McRae and Dr Debbie Hindley. They are legendary. It will be a blast.
See you there. Let’s have a fabulous time.
And if you would like to have a listen to Know what you do not know, then it is available from all the Amazons and Audibles.