I would love to see you at a free lecture I am delivering on July 20, 2022. This session is being held for the University of the Sunshine Coast. It is available via Zoom.
Here are the details:
When: Wednesday July 20, 2022
Time: 9:15am – 10:30am (Queensland, Australia time). Here is an international time converter for you – to find your time in your zone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20220719T040000&p1=47
Zoom link: https://usc-au.zoom.us/j/87654391854?pwd=dG1pbGRoQms0cVc4VHdOMk16ZU14dz09&from=addon
Topic: Has there been a tougher time to complete a PhD? A pandemic PhD was never part of the plan(demic). Tara offers concrete strategies for students – wherever they are in their candidature – to add speed, meaning and power to their progress. Every PhD is different, because every PhD student is different. Therefore, let’s summon focus, pivot, move and transform.
See you there!