So you want to write a book proposal…

Scholarly monographs are the gold standard of academic research. But there is an intricate first step before we can publish that book. The book proposal…

OK. Well how do we write a book proposal?

Together – let’s find out. Welcome to our FLIPPED professional development series.

First – watch this short video.

Then have a look through these documents

Here are some examples of book proposals. Please download – for free – from or

Then have a look at our starter questions for our seminar. Download – for free – from or

Then we will run our seminar to talk about you, your writing and the books in your future. Here are the details.

February 1, 2024. 11am-12 noon – Darwin Australia Time.

Via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 869 2646 9987
Passcode: 048107

I’m looking forward to talking with you and the books in your future.

Let’s change the world, one book at a time…

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